Offensive movement Bilbao Basket

After seeing Bilbao Basket – FC Barcelona this afternoon, I have been left with quite a few offensive and defensive details of both sets, but in this inning I...

Reflections to "re-evolving"

This weekend the course "Extraordinary Reevolution" was held in Barcelona, organized by Transformación Deportiva (@TransFormDep), and coordinated by Xavi García Pujadas, a reference for this ambitious project. Almost 20...

Learning to improve

Continuous training should be a fundamental tool within professional development, and not only if you are standing, but also being active. I have always believed that it does not...

Offensive routines with the 4 open

In this post, I'm going to consider some of the offensive options we use when we have a wing-back with the ability to pull from the 6.75 line. These...

Building the collective game: associative wheels

When building the team's collective game, we can choose to design and develop a series of associative wheels that allow our players to assimilate the basic offensive ideas, taking...