Continuous training should be a fundamental tool within professional development, and not only if you are standing, but also being active.
I have always believed that it does not come with obtaining a degree or a specific position and standing still, conformists with our knowledge on the field on which our professional world is focused, since we run the risk of stagnating, of frustrating ourselves and with the reality around us.
Train us to arrive, and continue to train us to progress with day to day. Learn to improve.
There are different ways to encourage and develop this continuous training, although the most important step is always the first: wanting to train, which involves believing that doing so will make us grow professionally and personally, and that with it we will improve what surrounds us and what we influence directly and / or indirectly.
- Daily routine: not settle for "transiting" with what we do on a daily basis, reflecting on what we are preparing, and looking at how we can improve it. Taking the time to review a training session, a project to be presented, or a basic idea of our methodology can lead us to polish and improve it, or to contrast it with other options.
- Indirect training: reading articles and/or books on the subject matter in question, searching online, etc. It will be difficult not to find numerous videos of trainings, exercises or talks, courses and conferences from which to extract numerous ideas, applicable to our own routine.
- Direct contact: we can learn a lot from those around us. Our jugador@s, other coaches of our club, compañer@s, or professionals of other clubs or companies.
Following the work of other professionals live is often very stimulating, without always having to match the professional field. On a personal level I have learned a lot through direct observation of the work of football and handball coaches. Group management, training direction, motivation, psychology, technical-tactical issues.
- Going out to train: Finding training away from our area of influence will allow us to see other points of view, approaches and methodologies within different contexts; learn (and unlearn), deal with people we don't live with and with which we can reflect, contrast and debate, with maximum intensity when usually short periods of time.
In addition, the very fact of being proactive seeking this training away from our "comfort zone", will give us a plus of safety and self-confidence, both personally and professionally. A needed positive reinforcement.