Official photograph: Bjorg de Meza, De Meze Photo
Today I am sharing a video that I sent last week to my players, talking about the pass in different game’s situations, taking advantage of video images taken from the game between Porto and Benfica (semi-finals Liga Placard 18/19, 3rd game):
Pick & Roll.
Ball inside.
Dribble Hand Off
Driving (1×1 actions).
Off screens.
Fastbreak (passing the ball in these actions).
Extrapass (playing with one-more-pass after creating a previous advantage).
It is important to focus on technical and tactical details:
Technical: hands, feet, where the passer looking at, technical actions of the catcher, fakes, etc.
Tactical: spacing (occupation of the spaces on the court by the off ball players), the timing of the pass, choose the correct kind of pass for every action, etc.).
I hope the video will be interesting to you.