In this post I propose an exercise that we usually perform in our training sessions.
We start with a ball circulation job between 3 players in outer positions, who pass the ball, and can use a maximum of 2 pots. Defenders, for their part, must work 100% but without being able to steal passes, reacting to both passes and boats.
When the coach warns, move on to the assistant coach below the basket; defenders must come down to touch the ball, while attackers can stay in the same position, exchange, or occupy some free space (we limit the cut to basket).
The assistant coach returns the ball out, performing a defensive job in recovery (close out), both with the ball-man and with the rest of the players. From here, ball-man seeks to attack the basket, generating situations of aids and recoveries or rotations in defense.
We can play back-and-forth situations, working defensive balance and counterattack.