Dragon Force: central direct lock

Offensive action of Dragon Force (Proliga – Portugal), in which they play central direct blockage between 1 and 5. The base of the team attacks the defender of the...

Dragon Force Offensive Movement

In this post, I exhibit a Dragon Force attack system, led by Moncho López, and currently plays in the Proliga, the second category of basketball in Portugal. In this...

Defensive disadvantages

In this post I exhibit an exercise of defensive disadvantages that we regularly train. In it we work from a situation of 4 to 4 with disadvantage for the...

All voices are important

(Image source: www.blogdebasket.com) A couple of weeks ago, we had in our Club (Club Baloncesto Cambre) the opportunity to meet all the coaches, to talk about the collective project...

Unicaja Malaga offensive situations

After watching Unicaja's last matches against Barcelona and Bilbao, he rescued two offensive quick actions, in which they are looking for different options for their eaves. Movement No 1:...

Offensive movement Bilbao Basket

After seeing Bilbao Basket – FC Barcelona this afternoon, I have been left with quite a few offensive and defensive details of both sets, but in this inning I...

Reflections to "re-evolving"

This weekend the course "Extraordinary Reevolution" was held in Barcelona, organized by Transformación Deportiva (@TransFormDep), and coordinated by Xavi García Pujadas, a reference for this ambitious project. Almost 20...

Learning to improve

Continuous training should be a fundamental tool within professional development, and not only if you are standing, but also being active. I have always believed that it does not...